I am a SAHM to 3 wonderful children. I have been married to my best friend for 12 years. I love old things and their story. Sometimes I wish these items could talk, oh the stories they would tell! I love going thrifting, garage saling, and browsing the antique stores.
Hi all and thanks for stopping by my blog. I am new to this and hope you bear with me while I figure everything out. I love everything prim and have been having a blast findinf things for my new passion. I hope all of you have a great day, week, year, life! I hope to continually grow my ideas and career through the wonderful world of blogging. I am in school to become a interior designer and hope to start my home buisness with that and also have a small craft buisness. Take your time look around, grab a cup of coffee and sit for a spell and enjoy!
Merry Christmas! I love the photo of the tree and the old upright piano with the wood stove in the background. It looks so "homey" and comforting. Happy Holidays! ~melody
Merry Christmas! I love the photo of the tree and the old upright piano with the wood stove in the background. It looks so "homey" and comforting. Happy Holidays! ~melody